Welcome to Clan Overdosed!

D2 PvP Squad

Squad Information
Commanding Officer:
Colonel DBZ(OD)
Executive Officer:
Major Vanity(OD)
Date Created:
Thu Jan 26 2017, 2:57 PM
Total Active Members:
4 Members
Active Applications:
0 Active Applications for this squad.
Diablo 2 PvP Squad


Ensign- Interested in PvP, member asked to join the PvP Squad.

Lieutenant- Shows promise in PvP, working on perfecting an PvP character, joins practice/fun duels in odpk/od every so often. At least 10 days in the PvP Squad.

Commander- Proficient in PvP, skilled with at least 1 PvP character, competes in PvP events, spreads awareness of OD PvP. At least 20 days in the PvP Squad.

Captain- Highly proficient in PvP, skilled with at least 2 PvP characters, Competes in PvP events, has WON at least 1 PvP event, spreads awareness of OD PvP, helping to mentor new PvP squad members, majorly focused on D2 PvP. At least 30 days in the PvP Squad.

Admiral-Highly skilled in PvP, extremely skilled with at least 3 PvP characters, competes in PvP events, has HELD at least 1 PvP event, has WON at least 1 PvP event, mentors those new to PvP and gives constructive advice, spreads awareness of OD PvP, solely focused on Diablo 2 PvP. At least 45 Days in the PvP Squad
Squad Logs:
Colonel DBZ(OD) modified D2 PvP Squad, and current leaders are Colonel DBZ(OD) as the commanding officer and Chief Warrant Officer CWO4 Vanity(OD) as the executive officer on Mon Aug 05, 2024 21:14:17 GMT.

Colonel DBZ(OD) modified D2 PvP Squ ... [Rest of the Logs]
Current Active Squad Members
Squad Rank
Member Since
Second Lieutenant LordJames(OD)
Aug 05 2024, 9:08 PM
First Sergeant Meathead(OD)
Aug 03 2024, 12:26 AM
No Prospective Members to this Squad Currently

Invalid Username or Password or OTP

* NOTE: Only the Password is CaSe Sensitive. (type it in exactly!)
For your username, you can either enter it without the tag or with the tag.
If you had forgotten your password ask one of the generals to retrieve it for you.
OTP should only be entered if you have Two-Factor Authentication enabled on your account. If you have lost your phone or switched to a new one, a General can remove Two-Factor from your account.

If you don't sucessfully log in after 5 attempts, you will be banned from the site for an hour.
If you are not a member you should not be on this link at all.

Logins Left: 5

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Password: Login Anonymously?
OTP: Optional

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There is currently 0 members, 0 anonymous members and 1 guest, total of 1 user viewing this page.
Legend:   Commander | General | General (3* - 1*) | Senior Officer | Officer | Warrant Officer | Enlisted | Trial Member

Total Views for this Page Since January 26, 2017:  3874