Posted by Chief Warrant Officer CWO3
on Mon Aug 26, 2024 6:22 PM
Public News
Promoting Clan OD
Hey guys, SK here!
I went along, and added our clan to the clanfinder.gg database, and also boosted. (*See Below for image.) So as of right now we are currently featured at the Top #3 Spot. I guess the more boosts the higher we go on the website.
I also would like to share I went around a bit to sites where I can promote Clan OD, ( like my old days lol. I’m probably as bad as a bot at times lol.) to let people know that we are always Recruiting. So I’m expecting, and hope we get some new visitors soon. I used the logo, and banner off the site (screenshotting it off my phone as I can’t copy, and save it on my phone unfortunately.) So I’m not sure if it looks bad. I’ll check when I get back from work. Plus, I don’t really have any Logos or banners for me to use atm. If someone does have any promo material please do send them my way so I can update it accordingly.
Last but not least, if anyone wants to help boost our community by all means link is below. It’s not mandatory, and only boost if you can.
https://www.clanfinder.gg/product/boost/?clan=Clan OverDosed
So I saw that social media was something that was lacking a bit. So I wanted to give it a try. Social Media is something I’m not a much of a big fan of either but it’s something that’s needed for a community or clan, etc. So I happened to be at the admin meeting yesterday, and happened to attend, yes haven’t in a very long time I know lol. But it’s great to be back, and I’m happy to see pretty much everyone I met through out my time in clanning still around. Hope everyone is well! So this is something for a start to my social media run, and more to come. [Last edited by Lieutenant General MelodicRose(OD) on Mon Aug 26, 2024 6:30 PM]