Posted by Major
on Tue May 07, 2024 9:44 PM
Public News
D2R Ladder 7 Reset Lottery
It's almost that time of year! Ladder season 7 is approaching. Based on past history it can be anythime from 2 to 6 months after the start of the current ladder season. But truthfully nobody really knows the exact date right? So, I’m bringing back another classic contest. This is a lottery contest to try and predict the reset date.
I will start the prize pot off at 50 fg. You can enter as many times as you want, but you must pay 10 fg per date entry to me to hold until the actual date is announced by Blizzard. Each date entry can only be picked once. You may not edit that date post, but you can choose another date by putting up another 10 fg.
The person who picks the right date will win the total fg prize accumulated by the guesses made. You may send me your fg entry fees to cdbusa5@jsp, then post your date by replying to the Discord Thread "Ladder 7 reset Lottery".
So for example, if 30 people guess a date, that will be a 350 fg pot and so on. The goal here is to have fun during the last part of this season. The lottery starts today! Remember, your date entry doesn't count until you actually send me the fg. Let's see who is the best predictor in the Clan.
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* NOTE: Only the Password is CaSe Sensitive. (type it in exactly!)
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If you had forgotten your password ask one of the generals to retrieve it for you.
OTP should only be entered if you have Two-Factor Authentication enabled on your account. If you have lost your phone or switched to a new one, a General can remove Two-Factor from your account.If you don't sucessfully log in after 5 attempts,
you will be banned from the site for an hour.
If you are not a member you should not be on this link at all.
Logins Left: 5