Posted by Colonel
on Tue Oct 20, 2020 6:20 PM
Public News
Halo Events 10/23, 10/24, 10/25!
Friday October 23rd I will be hosting a BTB event from 9pm to 12am EDT/GMT-4. Saturday October 24th from 4pm to 7pm EDT/GMT-4 Geordie(OD) will be hosting another Customs Event. Sunday October 25th from 4pm to 8pm EDT/GMT-4 Utomneian(OD) will be hosting a Customs Event. Please put a reaction to this event based on what your attendance will be in our #division-events channel on Discord. Thank you, and I hope to see you all there! [Last edited by Colonel Raged(OD) on Thu Oct 22, 2020 8:20 PM]
Invalid Username or Password or OTP
* NOTE: Only the Password is CaSe Sensitive. (type it in exactly!)
For your username, you can either enter it without the tag or with the tag.
If you had forgotten your password ask one of the generals to retrieve it for you.
OTP should only be entered if you have Two-Factor Authentication enabled on your account. If you have lost your phone or switched to a new one, a General can remove Two-Factor from your account.If you don't sucessfully log in after 5 attempts,
you will be banned from the site for an hour.
If you are not a member you should not be on this link at all.
Logins Left: 5