Posted by Lieutenant General
on Wed Oct 14, 2020 5:24 AM
Public News
D2 Ironman Tuesdays
Starts Tuesday, October 20th, 8:30 pm EST (5:30pm PST or 7:30 pm CST)
D2ers have really had a hard time of it this ladder season what with HUGE game lines and no chat in game. So just to keep interest alive, I am going to start hosting Ironman Tuesdays with a 50FG prize. The game lines won't matter since we'll stay in one game. We may be able to chat in game, but even if not, just hop on Discord and we can chat there.
Each Tuesday, meet in op ClanOD on bnet and/or on Discord with a brand new level 1 hardcore toon of your choice. You can't get money or gear from other toons. We all start out equal. Must be OD tagged on an OD account. 45 minutes to level together to level 9 - remember we are a good mannered clan so please keep that in mind (no dirty tp's or bm behavior). If more than 8 players we'll have more games.
If you die while leveling or leave the game for a reason other than disconnection, you will be disqualified.
Once you hit level 9, immediately go to town --- no more looking for items at this point. After everybody reaches level 9 there will be 5 minutes to shop at merchants in town.
We will duel in the small area between blood moor and cold plains. You cannot leave that area. We will have a free for all duel between everybody that survives to level 9. No health pots, mana pots only!
50 fg prize . I will hold as many of these ironman Tuesdays as I can and as long as there are participants until the ladder resets in December. Remember this contest will only be an hour out of your week every Tuesday. So come show D2 support and participate.
Please signup using the following format:
PurplezOD) / Smooches@jsp