Posted by Second Lieutenant
on Mon Mar 09, 2020 3:52 PM
Public News
Halo Event Schedule For March!
Our event schedule is now up and posted, and can be found here!
Special thanks to Zakspeeed(OD), JD_FKA_Xayj(OD), Arch3r(OD), and the entire Halo Events Team for putting all of this together. I look forward to seeing everyone there!
Invalid Username or Password or OTP
* NOTE: Only the Password is CaSe Sensitive. (type it in exactly!)
For your username, you can either enter it without the tag or with the tag.
If you had forgotten your password ask one of the generals to retrieve it for you.
OTP should only be entered if you have Two-Factor Authentication enabled on your account. If you have lost your phone or switched to a new one, a General can remove Two-Factor from your account.If you don't sucessfully log in after 5 attempts,
you will be banned from the site for an hour.
If you are not a member you should not be on this link at all.
Logins Left: 5