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Major General JD(OD)  Major General JD(OD)
Current Status is Inactive
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.:: Information ::.
 PM This Member 
 Member's Name: JD(OD)
 Rank: Major General
 Email: Member has not made his e-mail public
 Discord: AyoJD!#123
 Battle.net Tag: AyoJD123#1764
 Current Status: Active
 Recruited By: ChrisSpeck(OD)
 Date Recruited: Wed Jan 13, 2016
 Quote: Staff Sergeant Xayj(OD) was promoted to Sergeant First Class with 31 total cumulative points from General Terra(OD), Major General snicker66(OD), Lieutenant Colonel Townkill(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO4 Magik(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO2 LightningWolves(OD), Warrant Officer WO1 CompFreak(OD), Master Sergeant Semaa(OD), Staff Sergeant Links(OD), Staff Sergeant KingPhoenix(OD), for Xayj (Zage as its pronounced) is a amazing guy who has done do much for the clan in his introduction to the clan from offering a teamspeak server after a ddos attact, to offering up amazing recruitment. He is very good mannered and very fun to be around, always offering something new to the table and having been a amazing help to me in heroes. on Mon Feb 22, 2016 12:42 AM

Sergeant First Class Xayj(OD) was promoted to Master Sergeant with 28 total cumulative points from General Terra(OD), Lieutenant General DeathBy(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO3 tehe99(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO2 LightningWolves(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO2 CompFreak(OD), Sergeant Major Triny(OD), Staff Sergeant BlueDream(OD), for active, good mannered, keeping low dsl, uses his forums, console, actively using teamspeak, looking to better the Heroes division. on Thu Mar 03, 2016 12:57 AM

Master Sergeant Xayj(OD) was promoted to First Sergeant with 23 total cumulative points from Lieutenant General DeathBy(OD), Lieutenant Colonel Townkill(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO3 LightningWolves(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO2 CompFreak(OD), First Sergeant Semaa(OD), Sergeant First Class FinnRazelle(OD), for always good mannered, low dsl, very friendly around teamspeak, playing a few different games and learning to become a leader in our community on Mon Mar 14, 2016 12:01 AM

First Sergeant Xayj(OD) was promoted to Sergeant Major with 15 total cumulative points from Lieutenant Colonel Townkill(OD), Second Lieutenant TrueChill(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO3 LightningWolves(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO3 Tachikoma01(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO2 CompFreak(OD), Warrant Officer WO1 Thyrst(OD), for Xayj has been there to cheer people up or to lend a helping hand. Loyal, helpful, good mannered, and loves playing, Xayj is the man. on Fri Mar 25, 2016 1:36 PM

Sergeant Major Xayj(OD) was promoted to Warrant Officer WO1 with 24 total cumulative points from General Terra(OD), Lieutenant General DeathBy(OD), First Lieutenant TrueChill(OD), First Lieutenant Terciel(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO4 LightningWolves(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO3 Tachikoma01(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO3 CompFreak(OD), Sergeant First Class sinstruck(OD), for Always good mannered, planning meetings for the division to help make it better, trying to get inhouses going, uses forums and teamspeak, attends meetings when allowed. on Mon Apr 04, 2016 12:01 AM

Warrant Officer WO1 Xayj(OD) was promoted to Chief Warrant Officer CWO2 with 39 total cumulative points from General Terra(OD), Lieutenant General DeathBy(OD), Colonel CardiacKid(OD), First Lieutenant Terciel(OD), First Lieutenant TrueChill(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO4 LightningWolves(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO3 CompFreak(OD), Warrant Officer WO1 Triny(OD), Sergeant First Class Amishfury(OD), for Xayj is one of the hardest-working and dedicated members of OD I've seen in a long time. He has ambitious ideas and plans for the Heroes of the Storm Division but also makes himself very involved in many aspects of the Clan, including meetings and discussions. on Fri Apr 15, 2016 1:16 AM

Chief Warrant Officer CWO2 Xayj(OD) was promoted to Chief Warrant Officer CWO3 with 25 total cumulative points from General Terra(OD), Lieutenant General DeathBy(OD), Colonel Sassysas(OD), Colonel CardiacKid(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO4 CompFreak(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO4 LightningWolves(OD), Sergeant First Class Psychward(OD), for xayj has gone beyond the call of duty , hes gm , active , on teamspeak and forums daily , has a leaders ambition to grow heroes i enjoy seeing ppl take it upon themselves to better a division while keeping a lvl head and following the game plan . keep up the great work good sir your doing great on Thu Apr 28, 2016 12:20 AM

Chief Warrant Officer CWO3 Xayj(OD) was promoted to Chief Warrant Officer CWO4 with 25 total cumulative points from Brigadier General DTwo(OD), Brigadier General WindSTorMS(OD), Brigadier General Sassysas(OD), First Lieutenant Terciel(OD), Master Warrant Officer MWO5 tehe99(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO4 CompFreak(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO4 LightningWolves(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO3 HDK(OD), Master Sergeant Zero_Demon(OD), for Active, great participation in OD, GM on Thu May 12, 2016 5:55 AM

Chief Warrant Officer CWO4 Xayj(OD) was promoted to Master Warrant Officer MWO5 with 23 total cumulative points from Brigadier General Sassysas(OD), Brigadier General WindSTorMS(OD), Brigadier General DTwo(OD), Captain Terciel(OD), Master Warrant Officer MWO5 CompFreak(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO4 LightningWolves(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO3 Tachikoma01(OD), for xayj is very active on teamspeak and forums keeps low dsl spoken with him few times and is a really nice guy he's also come to me to make his squad up for the new game good luck xayj :) on Mon May 23, 2016 12:01 AM

Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Xayj(OD) was promoted to Second Lieutenant with 50 total cumulative points from Commander Aerineth(OD), General Terra(OD), Brigadier General dave(OD), Brigadier General DTwo(OD), Brigadier General Sassysas(OD), Brigadier General WindSTorMS(OD), Lieutenant Colonel Townkill(OD), for Xayj has continually dedicated effort and resources to OD, working with and providing leadership in HoTS and in the greater clan. His abilities to provide insight and advice are excellent to have. He actively continues to work for the benefit of the clan, so i think he should join the officer ranks! Congrats and good luck! on Thu Jun 02, 2016 7:27 PM

Second Lieutenant Xayj(OD) was promoted to First Lieutenant with 26 total cumulative points from Commander Badboi(OD), Commander Aerineth(OD), Captain Terciel(OD), First Lieutenant CompFreak(OD), Second Lieutenant Bahafresh(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO3 Thyrst(OD), Sergeant First Class DarkHelmet(OD), Sergeant First Class Remsen(OD), for Xayj consistently proves his worth. This time, his continuous dedication through the newsletter editions he has published, as well as his contributions in the discussions with EG, lead me to believe he absolutely is deserving of this promotion GL on Mon Jul 18, 2016 12:00 AM

First Lieutenant Xayj(OD) was promoted to Captain with 20 total cumulative points from Brigadier General Sassysas(OD), Captain CompFreak(OD), First Lieutenant Altros(OD), Second Lieutenant LightningWolves(OD), Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Thyrst(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO3 Raged(OD), Master Sergeant Remsen(OD), Staff Sergeant Omni(OD), for Xayj works incredibly hard to make OD and the OW division a better and more respectful place, working hard with other division heads to promote fun in clan inhouses and helping hard to recruit, even though he is no longer the R&R co-lead. His work with the OD review has shown off the dedication he puts into the clan, working tirelessly to strengthen the clan policies and rules shows, to me, that he has the ability to make it far in OD. He keeps his dsl low, is incredibly good mannered, and is very active both ingame and on TS, especially behind the scenes in his admin roles. I believe that Xayj will go far in Overdosed, not only as a great friend and good gamer, but as a strong and helpful leader as well. Congrats on your promotion. on Sun Aug 07, 2016 12:27 AM

Captain Xayj(OD) was promoted to Major with 38 total cumulative points from General Terra(OD), Brigadier General Sassy(OD), Brigadier General dave(OD), Colonel Hari(OD), Major CompFreak(OD), Second Lieutenant Thyrst(OD), Warrant Officer WO1 Dabomb(OD), Warrant Officer WO1 CardiacKid(OD), First Sergeant Joeschmo(OD), Master Sergeant DarkHelmet(OD), Staff Sergeant Omni(OD), for here is a person that is doing his best for the community, love his work in behind the mic, he keeps a low dsl, and is a pleasure to speak with on teamspeak, he gets a idea and goes ahead and does it . i feel that xayj has earned a promotion to the next higher rank. Good luck in your future endeavors. on Tue Oct 11, 2016 2:11 PM

Major Xayj(OD) was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel with 41 total cumulative points from Commander Aerineth(OD), Major General WindSTorMS(OD), Brigadier General dave(OD), Brigadier General CompFreak(OD), Brigadier General Sassy(OD), Second Lieutenant Thyrst(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO4 Archie(OD), Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Dabomb(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO2 TieDyeT(OD), Warrant Officer WO1 CardiacKid(OD), First Sergeant Orcwarrior(OD), Staff Sergeant Sarnith(OD), Staff Sergeant DBZ(OD), for Xayj has been bouncing between divisions, wherever there needs help or advice and has recently been helping the Diablo 2 division. He's recently undertaken a Channel Op position to help provide a stable position in the channel. He's approached me numerous times in the past in regards as to what may be expected of him. And in the beginning he didn't want a leadership responsibility. As time went on he's accepted the idea of leadership and is now striving for it. While I may not be quite as involved with the divisions and each leader as I used to, I do keep my ear open. And what I've heard is the amount of respect that Xayj is beginning to garner around the community as a whole. His work with the interviews is phenomenal, and something we've needed for a while now. It provides an insight especially to the Commanders that some may believe to be 'unapproachable' or a rank of prestige that makes us somewhat.. alien to some. The interviews were a fantastic way to prove that we're just like you all, another member of this fantastic community. Xayj's fire to ignite within the community is bright and strong. The limit that each member reaches is up to them. And Xayj has set his own limits and is striving ever diligently towards that goal. In the coming months and weeks, I look forward to what is continually presented. Keep up the hard work Xayj. I'll be watching you. - Aer on Sun Nov 20, 2016 6:19 AM

Lieutenant Colonel Xayj(OD) was promoted to Colonel with 51 total cumulative points from Commander Terra(OD), Major General Sassy(OD), Brigadier General CompFreak(OD), Colonel Hari(OD), Captain LightningWolves(OD), Captain Dabomb(OD), First Lieutenant SeriousWine(OD), First Lieutenant Bahafresh(OD), First Lieutenant TieDyeT(OD), Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tachikoma01(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO4 Triny(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO4 DBZ(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO2 ogPoPs(OD), Warrant Officer WO1 AnkleC(OD), Warrant Officer WO1 FuRy1O1(OD), Warrant Officer WO1 pjpotter(OD), Warrant Officer WO1 killer43(OD), Master Sergeant Redvaine(OD), Sergeant First Class BattlePig(OD), Sergeant First Class Lena(OD), for I said on your last promotion my reasons but I mean badbois comment sums up a lot of it your active in a lot of aspects you have helped tremendously in D2. You are a good problem solver I think its time you get promoted. Gl and it isn't 19 DSP it was more like 90+ Days... but we know why the DSP is only 19 hahaha! gl you better get it this time. on Wed Mar 01, 2017 12:18 PM

Colonel Xayj(OD) was promoted to Brigadier General with 27 members voting and 3 of them voted negative. Members that voted: Colonel Onee(OD), Brigadier General pjpotter(OD), Lieutenant Colonel snicker66(OD), Major Azhriel(OD), First Lieutenant Ganker(OD), First Lieutenant Altros(OD), First Lieutenant ChrisSpeck(OD), Second Lieutenant TypeReaL(OD), Second Lieutenant MelodicRose(OD), Master Warrant Officer MWO5 mrmrdudedude(OD), Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Kazius(OD), Warrant Officer WO1 Melrak(OD), Warrant Officer WO1 Remsen(OD), First Sergeant Marethyu(OD), Master Sergeant Jomolomo(OD), Master Sergeant ChronicAnalysist(OD), Sergeant First Class Sarnith(OD), Sergeant First Class Spike(OD), Staff Sergeant Kalay(OD), Staff Sergeant Honeybadger(OD), Staff Sergeant Hellbazer(OD), Staff Sergeant Purplez(OD), Staff Sergeant angus(OD), for hmm a reason well 1st off he's a nice guy, and tries to help out everyone when he can, he's usually jumping around between channels when he's not busy with work talking to people and just trying to make sure everything runs smoothly, I haven't been on ts much cause life stuff but when I do and he's on he always comes in to say hi and just have a chat, he's always down for a laugh, and he always seems to try and do as much as possible when it comes to helping OD grow and prosper, he's probably one of the nicest guys you'll meet in OD. TL;DR Nice, helpfully, does what he needs to and even more, great to chat and always down for a laugh even if it's because we're laughing at his sometimes questionable gaming skills :P on Mon Jan 29, 2018 6:00 AM


Left OD

Commander Terra(OD) disabled Colonel Xayj(OD) for Honorably being discharged from OD at his own request. His activity has largely diminished over the past several months, and he has no longer maintained the interest in OD matters he used to, beyond that of the occasional game. He is going to stop by and visit as a friend. Xayj has a legacy of being a prominent member in OD for several years, having helped run Divisions on many occasions and making it as high as Brigadier General. He's known as a hard worker who can be very passionate and vocal about what he believes in. We will miss having him as part of the inner circles of OD. on Wed Sep 05, 2018 7:03 PM


Return to OD

Commander Terra(OD) re-enabled Colonel Xayj(OD) for Moving off the night shift and will have more time for OD again. Has requested re-enablement. and he/she was demoted to Staff Sergeant as punishment for leaving on Mon Mar 25, 2019 1:59 AM

Commander Terra(OD) promoted Staff Sergeant Xayj(OD) to Colonel for Originally left at his own request due to life circumstances. Restoring his rank as I see no need to penalize him for understandable reasons for leaving. on Mon Mar 25, 2019 2:00 AM


Colonel JD_FKA_Xayj(OD) was promoted to Brigadier General with 22 members voting and 0 of them voted negative. Members that voted: Colonel snicker66(OD), Lieutenant Colonel MelodicRose(OD), Captain Raged(OD), Second Lieutenant Sil3NtKilL(OD), Master Warrant Officer MWO5 v3n0m(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO3 Yoshi(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO2 Daterminaytah(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO2 ZBTtarget(OD), Warrant Officer WO1 Lexer(OD), Warrant Officer WO1 Zakspeeed(OD), First Sergeant Jumpmansanic(OD), Sergeant Major SalinePandora(OD), Master Sergeant sheffdon(OD), Master Sergeant Chanter(OD), Sergeant First Class Punky(OD), Sergeant First Class ThatMilkGuy(OD), Staff Sergeant Jenkinns523(OD), Staff Sergeant ElectricFeel(OD), Sergeant First Class Morgandril(OD), Staff Sergeant xViivid(OD), for JD is my guiding light as I evolve as a leader. They are one of the most helpful, kind, resourceful, and hard-working people I've ever met. JD is the person I go to for advice on leading the Division and organizing events first because they're so knowledgeable about how OD works. They've been around the block as a General before, if only for a brief time. They are no stranger to administration work, as JD is always managing some aspect of the Halo Division on an administration level. JD is a pillar of the Halo Division as well, constantly helping others in need with various questions that a member might have, encouraging them to participate in the division's weekly events, and consistently promoting members of the division when they deserve it. JD has also offered many people in the division opportunities to help out with the behind-the-scenes aspects of the division, myself and SalinePandora being prime examples. If JD and Raged hadn't given me the chance to help out and run the events team for Halo, I might not have stuck around in the clan, and the division wouldn't have grown anywhere near as much without JD's passion for the division. On top of this, JD remains devoted to the overall clan in general, instead of focusing on just Halo. The main example that I see as an Enlisted member is helping with the Minecraft squad that Saline runs, getting him the resources needed to keep that squad running smoothly and being able to grow properly. JD is an example to be followed, and I would gladly have them be in an administration-level position. Good luck on your promotion! on Wed Apr 29, 2020 5:02 AM

Brigadier General JD_FKA_Xayj(OD) was promoted to Major General with 22 members voting and 0 of them voted negative. Members that voted: Colonel Sunset(OD), Colonel snicker66(OD), Colonel RadarRick(OD), Colonel MelodicRose(OD), Colonel RedIce(OD), Lieutenant Colonel Jiraiya(OD), Major Raged(OD), Captain JR(OD), First Lieutenant Dro4Sho(OD), Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Yoshi(OD), Second Lieutenant ZBTtarget(OD), Master Warrant Officer MWO5 SalinePandora(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO4 Daterminaytah(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO4 Zakspeeed(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO2 psy9zach(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO2 Redops(OD), Sergeant Major Jenkinns523(OD), First Sergeant juju(OD), Master Sergeant SprucePumpkin01(OD), First Sergeant sheffdon(OD), Sergeant First Class Goldfish(OD), for Well, well, well, look who’s up for another star added to their rank. JD is a wonderful asset to the OD community. Highly active in discord, knows the ins and outs, recruits new members for the clan, posts in the forums, one of the friendliest people I’ve met. Available whenever someone needs help or guidance. It’s been a privilege getting to know you and watching you rise in the ranks in the clan, best of luck on your promo, you have my support! on Wed Jul 29, 2020 5:00 AM

.:: Demotion / Promotion Information ::.
 Last Promotion on: Wed Aug 23, 2023
 Days Since Promotion: 514
 Last Demotion on: Sat Jul 30, 2022
 Days Since Demotion: 903

.:: Games Currently Playing ::.
 Main Game:
 Other Games:

.:: Squad Information ::.
Not currently in any active squads.

.:: Team Information ::.
Not currently in any Team.

.:: Activity ::.
Days Since Login: 1
Days in Clan: 2982
Disablement Record: Left: Sep 05, 18 Returned: Mar 25, 19 Days Gone: 200
Left: Jan 03, 22 Returned: Feb 12, 22 Days Gone: 40
Left: May 20, 22 Returned: Jul 30, 22 Days Gone: 71
Times Left Clan: 3
Recruits: 42 (4.8% still in the clan. Ratio: 2:320) [View Recruits]
News Posts: 18
Online Status: Major General JD(OD) is currently offline.

.:: Awards Earned : 25 ::.

Days Medals
Awarded to members with more than 100 days in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 100th day.

Reason given:
This award was automatically given to Major General JD(OD)

100 days in clan.

Fri Apr 22, 2016 12:26 PM.

Awarded to members with more than 200 days in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 200th day.

Reason given:
This award was automatically given to Major General JD(OD)

200 days in clan.

Sun Jul 31, 2016 5:19 AM.

Awarded to members with more than 300 days in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 300th day.

Reason given:
This award was automatically given to Major General JD(OD)

300 days in clan.

Tue Nov 08, 2016 8:35 AM.

Awarded to members with more than 365 days (1 year) in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 365th day.

Reason given:
This award was automatically given to Major General JD(OD)

365 days in clan.

Fri Jan 13, 2017 4:03 AM.

Awarded to members with more than 500 days in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 500th day.

Reason given:
This award was automatically given to Major General JD(OD)

500 days in clan.

Thu Jun 01, 2017 3:47 PM.

Awarded to members with more than 730 days (2 years) in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 730th day.

Reason given:
This award was automatically given to Major General JD(OD)

730 days in clan.

Mon Jan 15, 2018 1:19 AM.

Awarded to members with more than 1000 days in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 1000th day.

Reason given:
This award was automatically given to Major General JD(OD)

1000 days in clan.

Sat Apr 27, 2019 10:12 PM.

Awarded to members with more than 1095 (3 years) days in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 1095th day.

Reason given:
This award was automatically given to Major General JD(OD)

1095 days in clan.

Thu Aug 01, 2019 12:12 AM.

Awarded to members with more than 1460 days (4 years) in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 1460th day.

Reason given:
This award was automatically given to Major General JD(OD)

1460 days in clan.

Thu Jul 30, 2020 7:33 AM.

Basic Medals
Awarded to anyone who has 0 DSL for a week straight. This is the only medal that can be requested. Ask any Officer or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Major General JD(OD) by Major General DeathBy(OD)

For having 0 DSL for a week.

Date: Mon Jan 25, 2016 8:31 PM.

Awarded to members who help the community through any form of professional service (Coding, Web Design, Graphics, etc.) Awarded by Senior Officer or higher

Reason given:
This award was given to Major General JD(OD) by Commander Badboi(OD)

Best Forum Profile Summer 2016

Date: Tue Nov 01, 2016 1:24 AM.

Awarded to members who have shown that they go out of their way to help peers and are always able to aid the clan in times of difficulty. Awarded by any Senior Officer or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Major General JD(OD) by Commander Badboi(OD)

Won Big Brother Award (Always reminding us when we forget things) Winter 2017

Date: Fri Feb 17, 2017 4:08 AM.

Awarded to members who have done exceptional work for their division. Must have recommendation from one of the division leaders. Awarded by any Senior Officer or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Major General JD(OD) by Commander Badboi(OD)

XayJ has done exceptional work for many squads throughout his time in the community.

Date: Sun Dec 01, 2019 6:39 PM.

Skill Medals
Awarded to members who have shown a capable level of proficiency and skill, and understanding in a certain game. This medal is awarded by Warrant Officers or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Major General JD(OD) by Commander Terra(OD)

In the past you have demonstrated skill in Heroes of the Storm when it was first a Division, and later on has been an avid Destiny 2 player. You are also a very capable Rocket League player, and though it has never been a Squad or Division, our Clan does hold monthly events on Rocket League which I feel qualifies.

Date: Mon Mar 05, 2018 11:15 AM.

Activity Medals
A preliminary medal awarded for activeness in Game, Forums, Discord, and Social Media (ie Facebook and Twitter). Awarded only by any Warrant Officer or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Major General JD(OD) by Commander Badboi(OD)

Most Sociable on Teamspeak Summer 2016

Date: Tue Nov 01, 2016 1:24 AM.

Awarded for high activeness in Game, Forums, Discord, and Social Media (ie Facebook and Twitter). Recipient must have received the Defense Distinguished Service Medal and shown consistent activity. Awarded only by Officers or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Major General JD(OD) by Commander Badboi(OD)

Participates in Most Divisions Summer 2016

Date: Tue Nov 01, 2016 1:26 AM.

Awarded for supreme activeness in Game, Forums, Discord, and Social Media (ie Facebook and Twitter). Recipient must have received the Defense Superior Service Medal and shown consistent activity. Awarded only by Generals or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Major General JD(OD) by Commander Badboi(OD)

Won Participates in Most Divisions Winter 2017

Date: Fri Feb 17, 2017 4:23 AM.

Loyalty Medals
This medal is awarded to the above average member who has shown his loyalty. Awarded only by Officer or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Major General JD(OD) by Commander Badboi(OD)

Winner of the The Overdosed Award Summer 2016

Date: Tue Nov 01, 2016 1:25 AM.

This medal is given to members who have proven themselves loyal and trustworthy. Recipient must have received the Navy Achievement Medal. Awarded only by Senior Officers or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Major General JD(OD) by Commander Terra(OD)

You have voluntarily assisted the Clan on a number of occasions. The original concept for a Rules Committee came from your idea, you have helped organize and run the OD Discord, and you have provided several other ideas during your time as either a General or Officer, some of which panned out and some of which didn't, but the effort is recognized and appreciated regardless.

Date: Mon Mar 05, 2018 11:18 AM.

This medal is given only to members who are competent, loyal, reliable at all times. Recipient must have received the Navy Cross Medal. Awarded only by Generals or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Major General JD(OD) by Commander Badboi(OD)

XayJ is competent, loyal, reliable at all times.

Date: Sun Dec 01, 2019 6:39 PM.

Tournament Medals
This medal is awarded to members who wins an outterclan tournament. Must have some type of proof. Awarded only by Officer or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Major General JD(OD) by Lieutenant General Purplez(OD)

Halo - Top Division Player. May 2020 Clan Awards.

Date: Sun May 17, 2020 9:56 PM.

Knowledge Medals
No Awards Yet

Diplomatic Medals
No Awards Yet

Honor Medals
This the second highest medal can be awarded. This medal is given only to members who are EXTREMELY loyal, trustworthy, and reliable at all times. Can ONLY be awarded by a General or higher. Recipient must have received Legion of Merit Medal and the Defense Meritorious Service Medal.

Reason given:
This award was given to Major General JD(OD) by Commander Terra(OD)

Even though your history in OD came with a sizable gap in your activity between eras, during the times you have been active you have made some pretty noticeable impacts. In the past you had collaborated with Badboi in the creation of the committees, and originally worked alongside Ravemore in first establishing a Discord server for OD several years ago. This is the same server we are all now transitioning to, and in the process of that transition you have put the foremost effort into helping to adapt Discord to OD's needs during this era of change, and helping to facilitate a transition that is as smooth as possible for people, many of whom were already outside of their comfort zone with the switch to Discord. For both past and present efforts I award you the Meritorious Service Medal, and all the bragging rights that go with it.

Date: Sat Jan 11, 2020 3:59 PM.

Medal awarded as a choice option for Donator Rewards at or exceeding $100 USD. Only awarded by Donation Administration.

Reason given:
This award was given to Major General JD(OD) by General CompFreak(OD)

Has donated $100 or more lifetime.

Date: Wed Jul 08, 2020 11:04 PM.

Member of the Month Medals
This medal is given to a member who wins an OD Awards event. Awarded only by Officers or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Major General JD(OD) by Commander Badboi(OD)

Best Member Spring 2016

Date: Tue Jul 12, 2016 2:43 AM.

This medal is given to a member who wins at least TWO OD Award events. Awarded only by Officers or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Major General JD(OD) by Commander Badboi(OD)

Best Officer Summer 2016

Date: Tue Nov 01, 2016 1:25 AM.

Current Statistics
[There are currently 169 active users browsing this site]
Most users ever online was 127 on Jan 19, 2025

There is currently 0 members, 0 anonymous members and 1 guest, total of 1 user viewing this page.
Legend:   Commander | General | General (3* - 1*) | Senior Officer | Officer | Warrant Officer | Enlisted | Trial Member

Total Views for this Page Since February 12, 2020:  3477