Welcome to Clan Overdosed!

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Halo Events on 3/24, 3/26, and 3/28

Wednesday 3/24 – Morgandril is hosting a Customs and Matchmaking event starting at 7PM EDT (UTC-4).
Friday 3/26 – I’m hosting a BTB event from 7PM to 10:30PM PDT (UTC-7).
Sunday 3/28 – Geordie is hosting a Customs event from 9PM to 12AM BST (... (Read More)

OD WoW - Heroic Sire Down

Video of Kill by Psyrona(OD):

The OD WoW division has been working hard on recruiting in-game as well as in the OD Community to work towards a friendly, laid back but raid focused division. Our hard... (Read More)

This Week's Upcoming Halo Events!

3/17 - Matchmaking & OD Customs Event 8PM EST
3/19 - Big Team Battle Event 7PM-10:30PM MST.
3/21 - Customs Event 9PM-12AM GMT.
More info can be found in our #division-events channel on Discord!

Halo Event on 3/13

Saturday 3/13 Foxlitaf is hosting a Halo Reach Slayer 4v4 + 6v6 event from 10PM-1AM CET. 

Please react on the event based on your expected attendance in #division-events under the Halo division on Discord.

March 2021 Voting Polls Are Official Posted!

Here Are the Links!
Get your Votes On !

https://forum.overdosed.net/topic/70800-march-2021-voting-polls-... (Read More)

This Week's Halo Events!

3/12 - Big Team Battle Event 7PM-10:30PM MST.
3/14 - Customs Event 9PM-12AM GMT.
More info can be found in our #division-events channel on Discord where you can also react to each event based on your expected attendance.

WOW TBC PVP Group Started

The discord is just tooo big to put in our Discord. It would dominate everything. So it is still part of Overdosed. Come down to the WoW classic tab of Overdosed and click the discord link there. We are starting our characters this Tuesday. It looks ... (Read More)

Halo Event on 3/6

Saturday 3/6 LightningWolves is hosting a Halo Wars Customs event at 4 PM CST.

Please react on the event based on your expected attendance in #division-events under the Halo division on Discord.

Valheim Players Assemble

I'm seeing a ton of people playing Valheim on the discord but they are scattered about.
Let's try and get a few groups going. Playing solo is nice but multiplayer is always better. It is time to organize the Viking horde.
Feel free to contact me wi... (Read More)

Clan Nominations ARE HERE!!

okay my Favorite OD family! I post in forums Clan Nominations! BE sure and go and Nominate!!!!
Link is below.


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