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Next(OD) Ladder reset first to 90 sc and hc contest

Hello ladies and gentleman Next(OD) is hosting a sc and hc ladder reset leveling contest.


Sassy's Costume Contest! (Ends Nov 23rd) - 300 FG Prize

Enjoy dressing up in all kinds of costumes and outfits? Well Sassy(OD) is hosting a costume event that runs until Friday, November 23rd. Winner gets 300 fg!

Check the link below to submit a photo and for additional details:

http://forum.overdosed.n... (Read More)

Hectic's Fight NIght

Im hosting an event to help pass the time till reset.
A little Barbarian Boxing. Go sign up!!


Remeberence Day

Toss on a poppy to show respect to the vets today. Shake a hand and donate a dollar

HC Ladder Reset Team(s)

Hey ladies and gentleman Skribbzz here. Ill be organizing the HC ladder reset team or teams. Sign up if your interested.


5th Purple D2 Scavenger Hunt, Starts NOW!!

Congratz to winner Ray(OD). Thanks to all who participated.

Very easy contest to enter and win, just takes patience. First person to post a screenshot of ALL scavenger items listed winz! Contest begins NOW, start hunting!

... (Read More)

Slum's LLD Level 18 Tournament. Round 2 (Nov 17th @8CST)

Ray's Writing Contest (Nov 4th-11th) *200 FG Prize

Ray's Barbarian Boxing Contest! (Nov 1 @ 7 CST)

Trysts D2 HCL chant duels!

Okay so I had this vision today while in the channel chatting with Skribbz. And I came up with the idea for chant duels! Basically what we're going to do is, lvl a HC toon up to 20, using only what you can find in game, and then we will do a single e... (Read More)

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