Welcome to Clan Overdosed!

Who removed them?

Meeting Sunday -Komet(OD) 06-06-2002 11:06:10
Hello all this is Komet I will be holding a meeting sunday at 2:00pm BattleNet Time that is 2 pacific, 3 mountain, 4 cen... (Read More)


Okay, we got 104 Privates, which of about 10 are active. That's BULLSHIT.
Don't put fake recruits there, any officer doing so will recieve a 1 rank Demotion, If it keeps up he will get 2 ranks, 3 ranks if it conti... (Read More)

Message Board!

Guys.. WE have a Message Board. If you dont have an account, go register one right now.

My two cents.

Well with all of the fighting going on recently I think now is a good time to post a few things. Ok the site I said I was going to do for my strats is no officially underway the only thing is it will be on Geocities because of my limited html skills ... (Read More)


This is me... If you don't believe it you can call me. I set you down for a reason, because you don't have anything to do with this clan. If you want to get a rank back, how about you work for it. Just because I worked and built a successful... (Read More)


Can I just say I urge all members NOT to hack. I know today Spider_Mom(OD) joined a RW game ad immediately allied all of his race which is either an insane coimcidence or use of a map hack. The point of the game is to have fun by using skill not some... (Read More)

Kumite Victor

Congratulations to E(OD) for winning the 2nd Kumite Tournament over the defending champ, 4eyes!


im leaving to spend spring break with my g/f heheh booty awaits

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There is currently 0 members, 0 anonymous members and 1 guest, total of 1 user viewing this page.
Legend:   Commander | General | General (3* - 1*) | Senior Officer | Officer | Warrant Officer | Enlisted | Trial Member

Total Views for this Page Since November 08, 2013:  606