Welcome to Clan Overdosed!

Skribbzz's Going Away Contest!

Torque(OD) has won this contest! Gratz.

Skribbzz has decided to take a break from Clan OD, but he wanted to donate a sorc set up for SCL. He gave me the prizes and said "do the contest, pick a number 1-50" so first person who guesses the right num... (Read More)

Member Behind the Mic #13 with Lacer(OD)

April EMT Signups


The grueling Elite Monthly Tournament has returned. Signups for April begin now!

This is a round robin style tournament. 3 Rounds, with players advancing/eliminated in each round. Lets see ... (Read More)

PoE Introduction

I watched a review the other day that explained Path of Exile in a very good sense. I thought I would post it on here in case anybody has been considering other options besides D2 or D3. I've been playing it for literally thousands of hours and still... (Read More)

Beastly Weekend!

This weekend will be a weekend of events thanks to Queballz(OD) for his donations and kicking it off

1. Purplez Necro psn dagger - 3/16/19 5 pm EST

2. Skribbz lvl 15 hc so... (Read More)

3/16 5pm EST Necro Psn Dagger Contest


Date: Saturday, March 16, 2019

WINNERS: First place MooMoo 100 fg, second place Froggie420, beast! Thanks for playing everybody

Time / Place: 5 p.m. EST (2 pm PST) / Clan OD channel and/or TS (server: ts3.overdos... (Read More)

LVL 15HC inferno sorc duel for SC sorc setup March 17th

Hey guys check out the this juicy contest im holding in 1 week. sign up now.
[Last edited by Second Lieutenant Skribbzz(OD) on Sat Mar 09, 2019 5:23 PM]


Well about a week late to closing this tournament, but we have some winners, and members with potential of gaining 50 fg a piece just due to activity.


1. MooMoo - 500fg
2. DBZ - zip
3. Queballz - 100 fg

Everyone who won a match pm me fo... (Read More)

Ye Ole Bear Tourny

Dust off your Beastz and Sign up for the Bear on Bear Action Now!!!

1st Place---500 nerd coins
2nd Place--250 nerd coins
3rd Place--150 nerd coins

Link to the Tournament:


Events Next Saturday 3/9/2019

Hey guys, check out and sign up for the events both myself and smoken are hosting next Saturday 3/9/2019 - lots of fun and prizes in both!

Smoken Ironman - 3 pm EST

... (Read More)

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