Welcome to Clan Overdosed!

May 2019 Clan Award Nominations being accepted

Welcome to the First phase of the May 2019 Clan Overdosed Awards- This is the Official Nominations Phase!  If you would like to see an all inclusive list of previous winners, check out this link:  https://forum.overdosed.net/topic/68259-all-inclusi... (Read More)

EMT Results

1. Seed = 1250 fg
2. MooMoo wins 500+25%(tagged char)= 625 fg
3. Shade 300+25%(tagged char) = 375 fg

EMT concludes the PvP tournaments for this ladder from myself. Thanks to everyone whos come out and participated. Wouldn't be able to have these if... (Read More)

Member Behind the Mic #14 with MelodicRose(OD)

Do you like weather? Puns? Why not both? In this episode of Member Behind the Mic, we find out plenty about MelodicRose(OD)!


OD Social Media - Suggestions

Hello all, I created a forum post that encompasses learning about all of your suggestions and curiosities regarding our social media pages. There is also a rather important poll placed within this thread, so if you could check it out, that'd be aweso... (Read More)

Hardcore Ladder Reset Team!


Interested in forming a HCL reset team? Reply to this thread with whatever class you're going to play:


D2 Ladder Reset, Lottery Contest!

So we all suspect that ladder will reset sometime in May or June, 2019, but truthfully nobody really knows right? So I thought a lottery contest would be fun to try and predict the date.

I will start the prize pot off at 200 fg. You can enter ... (Read More)

ProZacck(OD)”s Walk Through

This ProZacck(OD)”s event he want me post it. He want creat some fun with in div and clan wide. Its a simple walk through act1 to act5 on champ mode This event starts on sat day 04/27/19 at 7pm CST

There are no rules u can make new char or exi... (Read More)

Elite Monthly Tournament Finals!


Final brackets are posted above. The finals are a First to 5 wins. Player with the most combined points from round 1, 2, 3 will be the winner of this ladders EMT

Congrats to everyone whos adva... (Read More)

D3 Member of Month

Hi all
Im going to run this event with the help of @Prozacck(OD) and he gave few ideas.
Any Active member of OD will participate but its only related to DIABLO 3
This event based on point system who get more points he/she win Member of Month Me... (Read More)

What games do you or have you played?

I'd like to start a comprehensive list of games that our members play or have played. If you could take a moment to contribute to this list, it would be appreciated.


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