Welcome to Clan Overdosed!

Holiday giving for D2ers, Free SCL annis

Thanks to a couple of generous donators there are several SCL annis to be handed out to OD members!  So when you see the toon OD-PurpleSanta sitting in channel and only that toon at random times, give me a whisper and the anni is yours!  No set tim... (Read More)

The Great Christmas Giveaway, SCL gear Free

First rule, I will not, absolutely no no no, I will not look at stats, it's free you get what you get. Here's a semi list of what was given to me by a generous Clan Member.

Just either post here or whisper me in game on Purplez(OD). The goal is... (Read More)

Weekend Infinity Ironmans!

Going to give away 3 infinities SCL Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Times for Ironman will vary to give more members a chance to enter. You can only win the grand prize once, but can enter the contest each day for the FG 2nd and 3rd place prizes.

Th... (Read More)

Re-Write a Xmas Song - FG prize!

In the spirit of the season, I'm sponsoring a "Re-Write a Christmas Song" contest! Take any Christmas holiday song and re-write it with a D2 theme. One winner will receive 250 fg. So put your Santa hats on and start re-writing. Get your entry in ... (Read More)

D2 7 Veils Contest posted!

Contest over. All winners posted on forum! Thanks to everybody for playing.

Seven veils, seven prizes. You be the first to post the answer to a veil question and a veil is removed, until the finale, with the biggest prize. You may choose your pr... (Read More)

Attention New Members - Starcraft 2 Voice Channel

Since Battle.net does not have a very good way to communicate for the members I have decided to make our Discord the Primary source of communication for the Starcraft 2 Division.

The link for our channel is here - discord.overdosed.net

Look f... (Read More)

Reset "Run" Contest, D2 - SCL Ladder

Hari(OD) has donated some runes to use for a reset contest. There will be three (3) winners.

First OD member to register on run bot with 100 runs (nm/hell) runs will win a SCL Jah rune

Second OD member to register on run bot with 75 runs (nm/... (Read More)

D2 Reset Signups


Link above has signups for those who wish to participate in the upcoming ladder reset

Post what character and spec you wish to run, doesn't have to be one of the options provided.

Signup will ... (Read More)

End of ladder Druid bowling!

Hey everyone I am hosting a druid bowling event this weekend (11/30 @8pm est) before the end of ladder. Come have some fun and earn some extra fg to start the new ladder! details are on my forum post.
https://forum.overdosed.net/topic/69608-end-of-la... (Read More)

D2 Ladder Reset, Lottery Contest!

Winner: JR(OD), reset date is 12/6/19

So we all suspect that ladder will reset sometime in December, 2019, but truthfully nobody really knows right? So I thought a lottery contest would be fun to try and predict the date.

I will start the p... (Read More)

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