Welcome to Clan Overdosed!

Halo Events for 11/14 & 11/15!

11/14 Geordie(OD) is hosting a Customs Event from 4pm-6pm EST. 11/15 Utomneian(OD) is hosting a Customs Event from 5pm-9pm EST. Please put a reaction on BOTH events in the #division-events channel on Discord.

D2 Ladder 27 Reset Lottery contest

Be sure to check out the lottery contest posted on the forum: https://forum.overdosed.net/topic/70565-d2-ladder-27-reset-lottery/

Halo Events!

Thursday 11/5 - Utomneian(OD)'s Customs Event from 5pm - 9pm EST Friday 11/6 - Raged's BTB Event from 8pm - 10pm EST
Saturday 11/7 - Geordie(OD)'s Customs Event from 4pm - 6pm EST
Please put a reaction to ALL 3 of these events based on what yo... (Read More)

World Of Warcraft Classic/Retail Revamping

We are close to making a division. Area 52 is for Retail Horde players. Make sure you get in touch with Hathi(OD) or Raged(OD) if interested.
Classic WoW Get in touch with HDK(OD).
Please also check the forums for more information. Classic will get ... (Read More)

Halo Events for 10/30, 10/31, 11/01!

10/30 - Raged's FFA Event 6pm - 8pm EDT/GMT-4. 10/31 - Geordie's Halloween Customs Event 5pm - 7pm EDT/GMT-4. 11/01 - Utomneian's Customs Event 4pm - 8pm EST/GMT-5. Please put a reaction to ALL 3 of these events based on what your attendance will be ... (Read More)

Halo Events 10/23, 10/24, 10/25!

Friday October 23rd I will be hosting a BTB event from 9pm to 12am EDT/GMT-4. Saturday October 24th from 4pm to 7pm EDT/GMT-4 Geordie(OD) will be hosting another Customs Event. Sunday October 25th from 4pm to 8pm EDT/GMT-4 Utomneian(OD) will be hosti... (Read More)

D2 Ironman Tuesdays

Starts Tuesday, October 20th, 8:30 pm EST (5:30pm PST or 7:30 pm CST) 

D2ers have really had a hard time of it this ladder season what with HUGE game lines and no chat in game.  So just to keep interest alive, I am going to start hosting Ironma... (Read More)

Halo Events for 10/16 & 10/17!

I will be hosting an FFA Event on 10/16 from 4pm to 7pm EDT/GMT-4. Geordie(OD) will be hosting a Customs Event on 10/17 from 4pm to 7pm (Possibly later) EDT/GMT-4. Please go to our #division-events channel on Discord and react to BOTH EVENTS accordin... (Read More)

Community Game Night Oct. 11 @7pm CDT

Hey folks, we will be reviving community game nights starting THIS UPCOMING Sunday! Report to Discord to join us for some Among Us! Details can be found in this link: https://forum.overdosed.net/topic/70506-community-game-night-among-us-oct-11th-7pm-... (Read More)

Halo BTB Night!

Friday October 9th we will be having a BTB (Big Team Battle) night from 9:00pm to 1:00am EST/GMT-4. We will be rotating between objective game modes and slayer. Please go to the #division-events channel in Discord, and choose if you will be attending... (Read More)

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