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Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD)  Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD)
.:: Information ::.
 PM This Member 
 Member's Name: Tris(OD)
 Rank: Master Warrant Officer MWO5
 Email: Member has not made his e-mail public
 Discord: trisod#0
 SCII Character: TrisOD.514
 SCII Email: [email protected]
 LoL Username: TrisOD
 Current Status: Active
 Recruited By: Sunset(OD)
 Date Recruited: Thu Jan 13, 2011
 Quote: Manners > Skill

"Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress, no matter how slow."


Do unto others 20% better than you would expect them to do unto you, to correct for subjective error."

- Linus Pauling

"Sometimes we do good things, believe in people, or try our hardest, we seem to get nothing in return...not even a thank you. While this is very disheartening, please don't think it was a waste of time. Maybe you were not appreciated immediately, but maybe one person will look back and realize how kind you were to them. Maybe. Until then, please accept a sincere Thank you from me on their behalf."

Master Sergeant Tris(OD) was promoted to First Sergeant with 10 total cumulative points from Colonel LoZeR(OD), Major Badboi(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO2 ReaPeRoF(OD), for Gm, Sklled, helps with nething u ask, also hs stream up for people need help. on Tue Apr 05, 2011 1:25 AM

First Sergeant Tris(OD) was promoted to Sergeant Major with 14 total cumulative points from Brigadier General LoZeR(OD), Major Badboi(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO2 ReaPeRoF(OD), for keep up good work congtratz with promo, and keep active and mannered and dont let people make u mad people just jealous ;) on Wed Apr 13, 2011 12:07 AM

Sergeant Major Tris(OD) was promoted to Warrant Officer WO1 with 14 total cumulative points from Brigadier General LoZeR(OD), Major Badboi(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO3 ReaPeRoF(OD), for Always trying to organize stuff behind the scenes. Active/GM on Fri Apr 22, 2011 12:07 AM

Warrant Officer WO1 Tris(OD) was promoted to Chief Warrant Officer CWO2 with 13 total cumulative points from Brigadier General LoZeR(OD), Lieutenant Colonel Badboi(OD), for Great guy, donated to sc2 division, helps out, gonna start throwin some jobs on his lap. on Tue May 03, 2011 1:23 AM

Chief Warrant Officer CWO2 Tris(OD) was promoted to Chief Warrant Officer CWO3 with 13 total cumulative points from Brigadier General LoZeR(OD), Brigadier General Beloth(OD), for Helpful, need him high as possible in rank. =) on Sat May 14, 2011 12:44 AM

Chief Warrant Officer CWO3 Tris(OD) was promoted to Chief Warrant Officer CWO4 with 15 total cumulative points from Brigadier General LoZeR(OD), Brigadier General Beloth(OD), for Very helpful, recently took on many projects and tasks. Gonna be an officer in no time. on Sun May 22, 2011 1:10 AM

Chief Warrant Officer CWO4 Tris(OD) was promoted to Master Warrant Officer MWO5 with 13 total cumulative points from Brigadier General LoZeR(OD), Lieutenant Colonel Badboi(OD), for Been very helpful with everything thus far, stays active and constantly improves as well. on Mon May 30, 2011 1:11 AM

Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD) was promoted to Second Lieutenant with 33 total cumulative points from Commander R.agnarok(OD), Brigadier General LoZeR(OD), Lieutenant Colonel Badboi(OD), for Tris has replaced me when I\'m gone. He has stepped it up, managing clan wars, the EMT, and other events. Great guy and well deserved. on Tue Jun 07, 2011 2:25 AM

Second Lieutenant Tris(OD) was promoted to First Lieutenant with 38 total cumulative points from Commander R.agnarok(OD), Commander Darkness(OD), Brigadier General LoZeR(OD), Lieutenant Colonel Badboi(OD), for Still continues to impress me with his commitment to this clan. Very helpful, does everything I ask of him. Logs on every day, and keeps a good atmosphere within the clan. Great leadership qualities. Congrats Tris. on Tue Jun 28, 2011 12:58 AM

First Lieutenant Tris(OD) was promoted to Captain with 36 total cumulative points from Commander R.agnarok(OD), Major General LoZeR(OD), Lieutenant Colonel Badboi(OD), for Active on forums and bnet, also has donated to help the clan needs, great job, congrats. on Sat Jul 16, 2011 12:16 AM

Captain Tris(OD) was promoted to Major with 18 total cumulative points from Major General LoZeR(OD), Brigadier General Beloth(OD), Colonel g1169(OD), for Tristan Putman is an exceptional member of clan overdosed. He always strives to help mold the clan into a more perfect one, while at the same time, he helps individual people both within and out of the clan improve on their game. His drive is unmatched, and his helpfulness is far above any other member. Tris(OD) has what it takes to be the next general of the Starcraft 2 division, and he\'s getting closer one step at a time. Congrats! on Tue Aug 09, 2011 11:59 AM

Major Tris(OD) was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel with 21 total cumulative points from Major General LoZeR(OD), Brigadier General Badboi(OD), for Lately, Tris has turned his eye to recruiting, and WOW, what a great job he has been doing. His recruit numbers have risen, and continue to rise. He doesn\'t just recruit people that ask to join, he hunts for people on forums, and in game to find people who are sure to be active and competitive members. He is trying his best to raise quality and activity in the clan, and is doing a wonderful job. On top of that, he has been keeping up with all of his forum duties, and maintains his own activity with the game. Great job Tristan! on Sun Aug 28, 2011 1:20 AM

Lieutenant Colonel Tris(OD) was promoted to Colonel with 29 total cumulative points from Commander R.agnarok(OD), Major General LoZeR(OD), for His efforts have proven to be quite effective. He is now the number one recruiter in OD, and thanks to that activity has greatly increased within the sc2 division. All of the work that this guy puts in is very much appreciated, and I feel that it is imperative that he receives the position he deserves in OD. Tris is the hardest worker in the Starcraft 2 division, and is also the easiest to work with. Very Very VERY well deserving of this promotion. on Tue Sep 13, 2011 12:02 AM

Colonel Tris(OD) was promoted to Brigadier General with 50 total cumulative points from Commander R.agnarok(OD), Commander Darkness(OD), for Nominated for the next SC2 General, we are looking forward to work with you, thanks for the hard work!. on Thu Oct 6th, 2011 at 09:13:12 AM GMT.

Brigadier General Tris(OD) was promoted to Major General with 55 total cumulative points from Commander R.agnarok(OD), Commander Darkness(OD), General Skyking(OD), for Very helpful member, always looking after new members and helping out the division overall. Definitely well deserved. Congrats! on Tue Jan 31, 2012 12:36 PM

Major General Tris(OD) was promoted to Lieutenant General with 59 total cumulative points from Commander R.agnarok(OD), General Skyking(OD), Major General LoZeR(OD), Brigadier General Sil3NtKilL(OD), for Actively proposing new ideas for the clan as a whole. Very level headed and always very professional when dealing with clan issues. You sure give the image OD needs at this times. Great job!onSun Jul 01, 2012 12:26 AM

Lieutenant General Tris(OD) was promoted to General with 57 total cumulative points from Commander R.agnarok(OD), Major General Sil3NtKilL(OD), Major General Badboi(OD), Major General LoZeR(OD), Major General Wishmaster(OD), Brigadier General Rob(OD), Brigadier General DeathSpirit(OD), Brigadier General Korhal(OD), Colonel snicker66(OD), Major Deadshot(OD), Captain OptimusMike(OD), Second Lieutenant SpikeSpiegel(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO4 TwoDrunk(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO4 Ian(OD), Chief Warrant Officer CWO2 Aerineth(OD), Master Sergeant Fever(OD), First Sergeant JtD-Zinthos(OD), Staff Sergeant masterdz522(OD), Staff Sergeant Bartender(OD), Sergeant First Class Verg(OD), for Active member, major member in odsc2, a great role model within the community on Fri Dec 21, 2012 11:59 PM

Commander R.agnarok(OD) promoted General Tris(OD) to Commander for Tris is one of our best assets to the clan. He has been outstandingly dedicated since the day he joined. He has a righteous and respectful way to deal with problems. Tris is the best example of how to reach the top rank flawlessly. I am proud to introduce him as our next Commander. Congratulations! on Tue Jan 22nd, 2013 at 02:06:25 PM GMT.

.:: Demotion / Promotion Information ::.
 Last Promotion on: Sun Aug 30, 2020
 Days Since Promotion: 1606
 Last Demotion on: Sun Mar 20, 2022
 Days Since Demotion: 1038

.:: Games Currently Playing ::.
 Main Game:
 Other Games:

.:: Squad Information ::.
Not currently in any active squads.

.:: Team Information ::.
Not currently in any Team.

.:: Activity ::.
Days Since Login: 1
Days in Clan: 4977
Disablement Record: Left: Jan 23, 18 Returned: Jun 18, 18 Days Gone: 145
Times Left Clan: 1
Recruits: 80 (1.3% still in the clan. Ratio: 1:318) [View Recruits]
News Posts: 2
Online Status: Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD) is currently offline.

.:: Awards Earned : 27 ::.

Days Medals
Awarded to members with more than 100 days in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 100th day.

Reason given:
This award was automatically given to Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD)

100 days in clan.

Sat Apr 23, 2011 9:01 AM.

Awarded to members with more than 200 days in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 200th day.

Reason given:
This award was automatically given to Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD)

200 days in clan.

Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:02 AM.

Awarded to members with more than 300 days in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 300th day.

Reason given:
This award was automatically given to Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD)

300 days in clan.

Wed Nov 09, 2011 11:34 PM.

Awarded to members with more than 365 days (1 year) in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 365th day.

Reason given:
This award was automatically given to Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD)

365 days in clan.

Fri Jan 13, 2012 2:37 PM.

Awarded to members with more than 500 days in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 500th day.

Reason given:
This award was automatically given to Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD)

500 days in clan.

Sun May 27, 2012 1:04 PM.

Awarded to members with more than 730 days (2 years) in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 730th day.

Reason given:
This award was automatically given to Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD)

730 days in clan.

Sat Jan 12, 2013 9:08 AM.

Awarded to members with more than 1000 days in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 1000th day.

Reason given:
This award was automatically given to Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD)

1000 days in clan.

Wed Oct 09, 2013 3:58 PM.

Awarded to members with more than 1095 (3 years) days in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 1095th day.

Reason given:
This award was automatically given to Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD)

1095 days in clan.

Tue Jan 14, 2014 12:55 AM.

Awarded to members with more than 1460 days (4 years) in clan. Medal is awarded Automatically on the 1460th day.

Reason given:
This award was automatically given to Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD)

1460 days in clan.

Mon Jan 12, 2015 9:50 AM.

Basic Medals
Awarded to anyone who has 0 DSL for a week straight. This is the only medal that can be requested. Ask any Officer or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD) by Lieutenant General Tester(OD)

Keeps DSL low on a weekly basis.

Date: Wed Mar 16, 2011 6:42 AM.

Awarded to members who help the community through any form of professional service (Coding, Web Design, Graphics, etc.) Awarded by Senior Officer or higher

Reason given:
This award was given to Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD) by Commander Badboi(OD)

Was able to create spreadsheets for the ODLoL In-Houses based off of in-game API.

Date: Sun Apr 09, 2017 11:16 PM.

Awarded to members who have done exceptional work for their division. Must have recommendation from one of the division leaders. Awarded by any Senior Officer or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD) by Commander Purplez(OD)

Tris was instrumental in coming up with the Mission Statement project for the community and pushing it through to completion. Thank you for continuing to support the OD community.

Date: Sat Mar 16, 2024 11:48 PM.

Skill Medals
Awarded to members who have shown a capable level of proficiency and skill, and understanding in a certain game. This medal is awarded by Warrant Officers or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD) by Lieutenant General Tester(OD)

+3000 master level 1x1 protoss user.

Date: Wed Mar 16, 2011 6:43 AM.

Awarded to members who have shown a high level of proficiency and skill, and deep understanding in a certain game. This medal can only be awarded by any Officer or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD) by General Badboi(OD)

Gold/Plat Player in League of Legends

Date: Sun Jan 10, 2016 3:44 AM.

Awarded to members who have shown a extraordinary level of proficiency and skill, and profound understanding in a certain game. This medal can only be awarded by a General or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD) by Commander Badboi(OD)

Tris has extraordinary level of proficiency, skill, and profound understanding in SC2 and LoL.

Date: Sun Dec 01, 2019 6:57 PM.

Activity Medals
A preliminary medal awarded for activeness in Game, Forums, Discord, and Social Media (ie Facebook and Twitter). Awarded only by any Warrant Officer or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD) by Lieutenant General Tester(OD)

Has 702 league wins.

Date: Wed Mar 16, 2011 6:43 AM.

Awarded for high activeness in Game, Forums, Discord, and Social Media (ie Facebook and Twitter). Recipient must have received the Defense Distinguished Service Medal and shown consistent activity. Awarded only by Officers or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD) by Major General LoZeR(OD)

Very active, very well deserved. =)

Date: Wed Jul 06, 2011 5:00 AM.

Awarded for supreme activeness in Game, Forums, Discord, and Social Media (ie Facebook and Twitter). Recipient must have received the Defense Superior Service Medal and shown consistent activity. Awarded only by Generals or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD) by Commander Aerineth(OD)

Tris has been everywhere, and he's worked really hard to get to where he is. There isn't a facet of Overdosed that Tris doesn't know about. And I'm happy to supply him with this medal.

Date: Wed Jun 03, 2015 8:13 PM.

Loyalty Medals
This medal is awarded to the above average member who has shown his loyalty. Awarded only by Officer or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD) by Brigadier General LoZeR(OD)

Very loyal member, well deserved!

Date: Thu Jun 09, 2011 4:49 AM.

This medal is given to members who have proven themselves loyal and trustworthy. Recipient must have received the Navy Achievement Medal. Awarded only by Senior Officers or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD) by General Darkstar.(OD)

A mature and well spoken General, and a good person. I look forward to getting to know you more in the future.

Date: Sat Oct 22, 2011 10:01 PM.

This medal is given only to members who are competent, loyal, reliable at all times. Recipient must have received the Navy Cross Medal. Awarded only by Generals or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD) by Commander Aerineth(OD)

This guy.. it's actually kind of sad that nobody has given this guy a medal in a long time. Tris has given everything he has for the clan. And he is one of the most loyal members you'll find here in Overdosed. This guy has earned this medal so many times over. Grats man.

Date: Sun Feb 15, 2015 8:23 AM.

Tournament Medals
This medal is awarded to members who wins an outterclan tournament. Must have some type of proof. Awarded only by Officer or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD) by Commander Badboi(OD)

Tris placed high in outerclan tournaments in LoL.

Date: Sun Dec 01, 2019 6:57 PM.

This medal is given to a member who wins an interclan tournament. Awarded only by Warrant Officer or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD) by Major Badboi(OD)

This medal is given to a member who wins an interclan tournament. Awarded only by Brigader Generals and higher ranks.

Date: Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:43 AM.

Knowledge Medals
No Awards Yet

Diplomatic Medals
No Awards Yet

Honor Medals
This the second highest medal can be awarded. This medal is given only to members who are EXTREMELY loyal, trustworthy, and reliable at all times. Can ONLY be awarded by a General or higher. Recipient must have received Legion of Merit Medal and the Defense Meritorious Service Medal.

Reason given:
This award was given to Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD) by General Badboi(OD)

Medal bugged out. Here is the original reason. Commander Aerineth(OD) awarded Commander Tris(OD) the Defense Meritorious Service Medal for Tris has been everywhere, and he's worked really hard to get to where he is. There isn't a facet of Overdosed that Tris doesn't know about. And I'm happy to supply him with this medal. on Wed Jun 03, 2015 3:13 PM

Date: Sun Jan 10, 2016 3:46 AM.

The highest medal you can receive. This medal shows supreme dedication, supreme loyalty, supreme activeness, and supreme helpful to the clan. Can ONLY be awarded by a commander. Recipient must have received Meritorious Service Medal, and only Major Generals and higher ranks are eligible.

Reason given:
This award was given to Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD) by Commander Aerineth(OD)

Tris, you have been here in Overdosed for many years now. And you've proven your loyalty to Overdosed time and again. Everything we might expect from a Commander, and you've done it beautifully. Well done!

Date: Wed Jun 03, 2015 4:45 PM.

Member of the Month Medals
This medal is given to a member who wins an OD Awards event. Awarded only by Officers or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD) by Commander R.agnarok(OD)

Won the OTM 2012. Excellent job! More information can be found at: http://forum.overdosed.net/index.php/topic/57913-october-2012-otm-winners

Date: Sun Nov 04, 2012 11:02 PM.

This medal is given to a member who wins at least TWO OD Award events. Awarded only by Officers or higher.

Reason given:
This award was given to Master Warrant Officer MWO5 Tris(OD) by Commander R.agnarok(OD)

Won the "Best Commander / Smartest" award, congratulations!

Date: Tue Dec 16, 2014 10:40 PM.

Current Statistics
[There are currently 61 active users browsing this site]
Most users ever online was 127 on Jan 19, 2025

There is currently 0 members, 0 anonymous members and 1 guest, total of 1 user viewing this page.
Legend:   Commander | General | General (3* - 1*) | Senior Officer | Officer | Warrant Officer | Enlisted | Trial Member

Total Views for this Page Since July 17, 2013:  6275